Articles by SRSrocco

PetroDollar System In Trouble As Saudi Arabia Continues To Liquidate Foreign Exchange Reserves

The U.S. PetroDollar system is in serious trouble as the Middle East’s largest oil producer continues to suffer as the low oil price devastates its financial bottom line.  Saudi Arabia, the key player in the PetroDollar system, continues to liquidate its foreign exchange reserves as the current price of oil…

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WARNING: The Global Oil & Gas Industry Is Cannibalizing Itself To Stay Alive

While the Mainstream media continues to put out hype that technology will bring on abundant energy supplies for the foreseeable future, the global oil and gas industry is actually cannibalizing itself just to stay alive.   Increased finance costs, falling capital expenditures and the downgrade of oil reserves are the…

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MASSIVE CENTRAL BANK ASSET PURCHASES: Last Ditch Effort To Save Economy & Cap Gold Price

The Central banks bought a staggering $1.5 trillion in assets in the first five months of the year to keep the economy from imploding while at the same time, capping the gold price.  Yes, it’s true…. $300 billion a month of Central bank asset purchases pushes up STOCK, BOND, and…

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THE GREAT GOLD SUPPLY DISCONNECT: Market Severely Undervalues Price

The market has no clue that it has severely undervalued the price of gold.  While Central bank intervention has worked hard at capping the gold price, the “Great Gold Supply Disconnect” will most certainly remedy that situation.  This gold supply disconnect took place after the gold price peaked in 2011….

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