Silver Investing

METALS & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 26th: Energy Still Impacting Markets While Investors Favor Inflated Paper Assets

Energy continues to be a major factor impacting the markets while the Fed and central banks prop up the global economy with trillions of bonds and debt.  Unfortunately, most investors who have been bamboozled by central banks are going to lose the majority of their wealth as the world heads over…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 19th: Important Dynamics In Natural Gas Market Are Preview Of Energy Cliff & Silver Prices

If you want to know what the Energy Cliff will look like in the future and the coming higher silver prices… well, pay close attention to the crazy Natural Gas Market.  In this Metals & Market Update, I provide 25 charts in this video presentation and explain why we will likely see higher energy prices…

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MARKET & METALS UPDATE SEP 12th: Bubbles, Zombie Companies, Metal Consolidation & CPI Data Tuesday

This week’s Market & Metals Update describes the Bubble-Zombie Markets and the continued precious metals consolidation.  With the CPI Inflation Index data coming out on Tuesday, this week could impact both the market and metals prices.  However, even though the markets could continue higher…

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STRATEGIC PRECIOUS METALS & ENERGY UPDATE SEP 2021: Must Watch Video For All SRSrocco Report Subscribers

This is a MUST SEE VIDEO by all SRSrocco Report Subscribers.  Due to the “Wild Speculation” in the markets and cryptos, some investors become frustrated with the precious metals.  I see this everywhere.  With some investors throwing in the towel, selling their metals, and getting into the market & cryptos…

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