U.S. SHALE GAS SUPPLY ON VERGE OF DECLINE: Leading Shale Gas Growth Field Now Experiencing Collapse In Drilling Rigs

The U.S. Shale Field, which provided more than 50% of the total shale gas supply in the past three years, is seeing a total collapse of its drilling rigs.  This is terrible news because Americans and foreigners are now addicted to New Energy Drug called… SHALE GAS…

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GOLDMONEY Decides To Reduce Precious Metals Holdings & Transition To Commercial Real Estate

In an unexpected investment strategy change, the folks at GOLDMONEY decided it was time to lower its precious metals holdings and acquire commercial real estate.  Go figure.  Actually, I was quite shocked that GoldMoney is now getting into the real estate market… at the worst possible time…

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MAJOR VULNERABLE REGIONS UPDATE FOR 2022: The Coming Energy Cliff Will Impact These Regions The Most

As the world continues racing toward the coming ENERGY CLIFF, these regions are the most vulnerable.  This is an update for 2022, as the 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy Report was just released.  Amazingly, Economists and MSM are totally clueless…

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U.S. REAL ESTATE BUST AHEAD AS DEBT EXPLODES: The Massive Real Estate & Debt Bubble Meets The Energy Cliff

Unfortunately for most Americans, they will become a great deal more Real Estate Poor in the years ahead as the Debt Bubble meets the ENERGY CLIFF.  Already cracks are appearing in the bloated U.S. Real Estate Market.  The Last U.S. Real Estate Boom is now over forever, and the future doesn’t look bright…

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