TOM CLOUD PRECIOUS METALS UPDATE JUL 19th: U.S. Debt Super-Cycle & Dollar Weakness

Tom Cloud discusses why it is important to protect wealth as the U.S. Government moves into a “Debt-Super Cycle.”  Also, Tom mentioned that the precious metals prices have gone up as the U.S. Dollar has declined.  Thus, the direction of gold and silver prices is based on the U.S. Dollar…

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U.S. EXPORTING CRITICAL SHALE OIL RESERVES: U.S. Energy Independence In Jeopardy Due To High Level Of Shale Oil Exports

How can the United States become “Energy Independent” if it continues to export a significant amount of its domestic shale oil production??  Good question.  Unfortunately, the amount of U.S. oil exports this year is forecasted to reach a new high, making a bad situation worse…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JUL 16th: Disconnect Between Natgas & Oil Continues While Interesting Signs Taking Place In Silver Market

Get ready for higher Oil Prices and weaker Natgas prices, as this disconnect will continue for the next several months.  Also, some interesting signs are taking place in the Silver Market that will likely lead to much higher prices in the coming quarters and years ahead…

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THE LARGEST U.S. SHALE GAS FIELD HITTING PEAK? Troubling Signs At The Mighty Marcellus

If the United States’ largest shale gas field shows signs of peaking, this is terrible news for the country’s strategic goal of being “Energy Independent.”  There are troubling signs taking place at the Mighty Marcellus Gas Field, which accounts for nearly 40% of total U.S. Shale Gas Production…

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MARKETS & ENERGY UPDATE JULY 9th: Coming Global Recession & Higher Oil Prices? Get Ready For Stagflation

While the U.S. and world might be heading into a recession, don’t count on low oil prices.  Why?  Global oil demand will likely be much stronger during 2H 2023 and into 2024 than the market realizes.  Thus, higher oil prices translate into a higher Consumer Price Index…

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