THE SILVER BREAKOUT FINALLY ARRIVED: What Happens When It Hits This Next Important Level?

While demand for silver bullion continues to be very weak, the long-awaited Silver Breakout finally occurred.  So what’s next?  It was surprising to see how quickly the Silver price hit $27, but what happens when it reaches the next important level? IMPORTANT UPDATE:  Due to visiting and assisting a very…

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USING IT UP…. RECORD U.S. OIL PRODUCTION & EXPORTS: The Highest Annual Amount Of Proven Reserve Depletion In The World

While the U.S. is bragging about being the world’s largest oil producer, it is also draining its oil reserves at the fastest rate compared to the other leading countries.  Worse yet, it is exporting nearly one-third of its domestic fast-reserve-depleting oil supply overseas… BRAVO…

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THE NON-RENEWABLE U.K. DRAX BIOMASS PLANT BOONDOGGLE: Massive Wood Pellet Global Supply Chain Is Unsustainable

If the Green Energy transition couldn’t get any worse… I give you the U.K. DRAX Biomass Powerplant Boondoggle.  Someone thought it was a good idea to switch the U.K.’s largest coal-fired power plant to burning wood pellets until you peel back the layers and look into the massive global supply chain…

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METALS & ENERGY UPDATE MAR 25th: Large Investments In European Silver ETFs & Uncovering Bad Analysis On The Bitcoin Mining Industry

Not ONE, but TWO European Silver ETFs saw significant increases in silver inventories and investment over the past two weeks.  Who are the entities buying silver in Europe?  Also, it’s time to put some light on the lousy analysis by members of our community on the Bitcoin Mining Industry…

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Something very interesting is taking place in the Silver Market.  In just the past week, one of the European Silver ETFs saw a massive increase in silver inventories.  So, who is the Big European Silver Investor?  This is interesting after the record Indian silver imports last month…

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