TEXAS ELECTRIC POWER FAILURE: Prelude To The Coming Disaster In The United States

The massive power failure in Texas during the record freeze is a prelude to the coming disaster in the United States.  I do not mean to be an “Alarmist,” but as the country has significantly changed the electric power grid structure, we are setting ourselves up for a massive failure and series of failures…

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Top Shale Oil Fields Lost Half Billion Barrels Of Oil Production Per Year

The top four U.S. shale oil fields lost more than a half-billion barrels of oil production since their peak.  At the current oil price, that’s a loss of $30 billion a year of oil revenues.  Just think about that for a minute.  The oil production loss from these top four shale fields would have supplied the United States…

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AT AN IMPORTANT LEVEL: What The Gold-Silver Ratio Is Now Showing

The Gold-Silver Ratio is now at an important level, and if it breaks through, it could cause the silver price to continue even higher.  The silver price has been outperforming the gold price since the WallStreetBets “Silver Shortsqueeze” campaign. Also, it also seems that the “industrial demand component” is keeping…

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THE INSIDE SCOOP SILVER ETFs vs. SILVER: You’ll Be Suprised At The Long-Term Performance

Investors will be surprised to learn which of the Silver ETFs compared to the silver price have performed the best over the long-term.  While most precious metals investors believe one of the Silver ETFs is a better alternative than another, the data I found, suggests otherwise.  For that reason, I decided…

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FUELCELL ENERGY: High-Tech Stock Bubble Overvalued By 99%

With the new Biden Presidency, the Green Energy Stocks have taken off to the Moon.  Actually, it’s quite hilarious to see these Green Energy Stocks start to LIFT OFF right at the beginning of the second week in November.  One such highly touted renewable energy stock is FuelCell Energy…

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