MORE NAILS FOR THE U.S. & GLOBAL ENERGY CLIFF COFFIN: Big Trouble In Saudi Arabia & Replying To Silver Symposium Comments

With more information coming out and confirming our suspensions, the Nails continue to be added to the U.S. & the Global Oil Industry Coffin.  Using newly updated data from a retired petroleum engineer from Total France, the situation does not look good for the USA and the world…

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SILVER SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: The Energy Cliff & Move From Building Wealth To Protecting Wealth

Here is my Silver Symposium presentation for SRSrocco Report members.  Interestingly, while I presented this information to the attendees, another LIGHT-BULB went off in my head.  It is very IMPORTANT that you all watch this presentation because I also believe it will CONNECT MORE DOTS…

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WHAT HAPPENED AT THE SILVER SYMPOSIUM: And I Answer Questions & Comments From Last Two SRSrocco Posts

What an “Interesting” time at the 2023 Silver Symposium.  In this update, I will share my experience as an attendee and speaker and answer questions and comments from the last two SRSrocco Report posts.  And, what about the big selloff in the precious metals prices today…

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While the oil industry likes to focus on the near-record amount of oil supplied to the world, they fail to warn about the massive annual decline rates.  Thus, continuing to keep global oil production at such high levels will only devour proven reserves at a quicker pace…

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METALS, ENERGY & MARKET UPDATE SEP 27th: Oil Price Hits New Yearly High While Markets, Metals & Miners Sell off

While the bears were calling for weak energy prices in the second half, oil hit a new high this year as the world struggles with supply issues.  Unfortunately, this is just the beginning for much higher oil and natgas prices in the future as the world hits the Energy Cliff…

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