Precious Metals

TROUBLE IN PERU: Recovery In Silver Mine Production Stalls As Supply Declines Once Again

The hope that Peru’s silver mining industry would fully recover by the end of 2020 was stalled as production declined considerably during the first month of the new year.  This was quite a surprise as the country’s silver production reached a high in December since the pandemic shutdowns last…

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Massive U.S. Government Money Printing Motivated Investors To Buy A Record Gold & Silver Eagles

During the first three months of the year, Gold and Silver Eagle sales reached new highs as investors, concerned about the U.S. Government’s massive stimulus and debt increases, purchased record numbers of the official coins.  Already, sales of Silver Eagles surpassed last year’s figures for the same period, and there…

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Why Is The SLV Bleeding Silver & The Coming Energy Cliff

Why does JP Morgan’s SLV ETF continue to bleed silver??  I discuss this and many other topics with Tom at Palisades Radio.  Also, will the continued “Shortsqueeze campaign” bring in more investors and higher prices??  It could.  However, even if it doesn’t the mid to long-term fundamentals for silver…

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