
Falling Supply & Surging Physical Investment, We Could See Some Crazy Silver Prices

Few investors realize that the fundamentals for silver continue to improve each and every day. Unfortunately, the bullish case for owning silver is lost in a market that has gone utterly insane trading high-flying over-leveraged tech stocks and other assorted financial garbage assets.  This is the way of the world…

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Total U.S. Public Debt Surged Nearly $3 Trillion While The Government Is Paying Less To Service Its Debt

If Americans thought the U.S. Government would be in serious trouble as its ability to service its ballooning debt would become unmanageable, guess again.  After the U.S. Government added nearly $3 trillion more debt in just the past eight months (fiscal year), the interest paid on the public debt actually…

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When The Next Global Financial Crisis Hits, Silver Coin & Bar Supply May Totally Dry Up

If investors are waiting for much lower premiums to purchase silver bullion products, they may be waiting for quite some time.  Due to the global contagion, investors have bought a record amount of silver bullion.  However, as supply disruptions and lack of availability impacted the market, premiums on many silver…

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