
HEADING TO THE SILVER SYMPOSIUM & WHY INVEST IN SILVER: It’s All About The Energy Which Most Analysts Ignore

I am heading to the Silver Symposium this weekend and look forward to explaining why “Energy” is the most crucial factor to invest in silver.  While most analysts at the Silver Symposium have their own opinions on why investing in silver is essential, I believe they overlook the most important factor…

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U.S. HOUSING MARKET TO HIT CATEGORY 5 STORM: Record Unaffordable Home Prices Propped Up By Huge Shadow Inventory

We thought we had learned our lesson from the last U.S. Housing Bubble, but unfortunately, we didn’t.  The U.S. Housing Market is just as insane, or even worse than during the 2005-2008 period.  Americans have no idea that we are facing a massive Category 5 Storm in the U.S. Housing Market…

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IS THE GREAT EGYPTIAN SPHINX MUCH OLDER: Water Erosion Theory Suggests Egypt Was Much Greener Thousands Of Years Ago

To change things up a bit today, I wanted to share this interesting research on the age of the Great Egyptian Sphinx.  Why is this so interesting for this blog?  Because it dovetails into the ancient history of massive wood production, Deforestation, and its impact on civilization, the environment & climate…

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