
FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SET-BACK: The E-Cat Cold Fusion Machine Fiasco

There is no better way to describe the history behind the supposed world-changing cold fusion E-Cat invention anything other than a complete fiasco.  The E-Cat’s inventor, Andrea Rossi, promised that his is breakthrough cold fusion technology would solve the world’s energy problem. Unfortunately, not only has the E-Cat failed to…

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Surging Precious Metals Prices & U.S. Energy Inventories… One Is Good, The Other Isn’t

As the precious metals prices surged this year, so did U.S. petroleum inventories.  While rising gold and silver prices are a positive sign for the precious metals industry, the surging U.S. petroleum stocks are extremely negative.  However, the prices of the metals and energy are currently not trading based on…

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Welcome To The Conversation: The BREAKDOWN Is Now Reaching Main Street

The BREAKDOWN of the U.S. Market is now reaching Main Street.  While the Fed and Central Banks continue to prop up the markets by purchasing Stocks, Bonds and everything including the kitchen sink, Americans are feeling the pain in many ways. I discussed this with Financial Industry expert Vic Patane. …

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The Coming Global Silver Production Collapse & Skyrocketing Silver Value

The global economic and financial system is in much worse shape than I originally thought.  New data and information suggest that the collapse will occur much quicker and with more dire results.  This will cause global silver production to literally fall off a cliff within the next decade. Again, this…

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SRSrocco Precious Metals Webinar: Big Events Coming & 1 Oz Silver Buys 6 Months Of Food In Venezuela

During the Precious Metals Webinar, Tom Cloud discussed how one ounce of silver will now buy six months of food in Venezuela.  This is a perfect example how precious metals become the best stores of wealth during a currency collapse and hyperinflation. Precious Metals Expert Tom Cloud also shared three…

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