
Peru’s Silver Production Surged Early In 2016, Then Suffered Double-Digit Decline in December

While Peru’s silver production surged in the beginning of 2016, it experienced a double-digit decline in December versus the same month last year.  Peru is the second largest silver producing country in the world, trailing Mexico by approximately 40 million oz, but now leading third-ranked China by a wide margin….

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CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: Example Of What Is Horribly Wrong With The U.S. Shale Oil Industry

According to Continental Resources website, it labels itself as America’s oil champion.  To be a champion, one is supposed to be winner.  Unfortunately for Continental, it’s taking a serious beating and is a perfect example of what is horribly wrong with the U.S. Shale Oil Industry. During the beginning of…

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Dow Jones Industrial Average Is A Ponzi Scheme — SRSrocco Report

Unfortunately, Americans invested in the broader stock markets have no idea they are invested in the Greatest Ponzi Scheme in history.  The Dow Jones Average is by far, one of the most inflated stock indexes in the market.  This was discussed in the article Dow Jones Reports Worst Revenues Since…

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