
WORLD’S 2ND LARGEST SILVER MINE SHUT DOWN: Implications For Company & Market

The world’s second largest primary silver mine, Tahoe Resources Escobal Mine, was forced to shut down operations in Guatemala by a ruling from the country’s Supreme Court.  This was due to a provisional decision by the Guatemalan Supreme court in respect of a request by CALAS, an anti-mining group, for…

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Prepare For Asset Price Declines Of 50-75%

What we have is a totally propped-up market based upon debt. Energy isn’t producing positive growth, really. So instead of having real economic growth, we have inflated economic growth and inflated asset values. When growth starts to decline, I think we’re going to see the valuations of assets decline considerably….

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MASSIVE CENTRAL BANK ASSET PURCHASES: Last Ditch Effort To Save Economy & Cap Gold Price

The Central banks bought a staggering $1.5 trillion in assets in the first five months of the year to keep the economy from imploding while at the same time, capping the gold price.  Yes, it’s true…. $300 billion a month of Central bank asset purchases pushes up STOCK, BOND, and…

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THE GREAT GOLD SUPPLY DISCONNECT: Market Severely Undervalues Price

The market has no clue that it has severely undervalued the price of gold.  While Central bank intervention has worked hard at capping the gold price, the “Great Gold Supply Disconnect” will most certainly remedy that situation.  This gold supply disconnect took place after the gold price peaked in 2011….

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How Will The ‘GREAT DEFLATION’ Impact Gold & The Dollar?

The coming GREAT DEFLATION will impact the value of Gold and the Dollar much differently than what most analysts are forecasting.  Unfortunately, most analysts do not understand the true underlying value of gold or the U.S. Dollar, because they base their forecasts on information that is inaccurate, flawed or imprecise….

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