
There’s Just Not That Much Silver Investment Insurance To Go Around

As the Fed and Central banks continue propping up the financial markets, many precious metals analysts advise owning gold over silver.  They say that gold is the key precious metal that will be used to reintroduce a “Sound Monetary System.”  However, I believe the real winner in terms of “future…

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The Amazing Untold Facts About Gold & Silver Investing

The majority of precious metals investors do not understand the important fundamental factor to acquire and hold gold and silver.  While most precious metals analysts promote investing in gold and silver due to the highly leveraged money supply, debt, and derivatives, they fail to warn about the “Energy Impact Factor.”…

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BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH IN ENERGY: Petroteq Loses Nearly 90% Of Its Value Since Last Report

Every day a new sucker is born.  That’s precisely why companies like Petroteq exist.  Since I exposed Petroteq back in March 2018, the company has lost nearly 90% of its value.  However, that hasn’t stopped the company from issuing new stock and racking up millions of dollars in funds to…

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Primary Silver Producer’s Most Profitable Mine Closed Indefinitely As Reserves Depleted

Endeavour Silver’s most profitable mine will be shut down indefinitely by the end of November due to the exhaustion of mineral reserves.  All employees will be laid off, and the mine will be put on care and maintenance.  The El Cubo Mine will continue milling operations for a week in…

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