HAGMANN REPORT: Precious Metals To Protect Wealth During The Global Energy Collapse

There will be very few assets worth owning when the “Energy Collapse” begins in earnest.  Precious metals will be one of the few assets that will protect wealth as the U.S. and global oil industry disintegrates. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Doug and Joe Hagmann about the…

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Dow Jones Industrial Average Is A Ponzi Scheme — SRSrocco Report

Unfortunately, Americans invested in the broader stock markets have no idea they are invested in the Greatest Ponzi Scheme in history.  The Dow Jones Average is by far, one of the most inflated stock indexes in the market.  This was discussed in the article Dow Jones Reports Worst Revenues Since…

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X22 REPORT SRSrocco Interview: Why The Global Economy Will Disintegrate Rapidly

I sat down with Dave at the X22 Report and discussed why the global economy is likely to disintegrate rapidly.  The key to the upcoming collapse will be due to falling energy production.  Unfortunately, many in the Mainstream media and precious metals community disregard energy as just another sector in…

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Thermodynamic Oil Collapse Interview: Why The Global Economy Will Disintegrate Rapidly

The world is heading towards a rapid disintegration of its economic and financial system due to a “Thermodynamic oil collapse.”  I spoke with Dr. Louis Arnoux of nGeni, about the details of the thermodynamics of oil depletion and its impact on the global economy. Unfortunately, the world is completely in…

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