
HAGMANN REPORT: Precious Metals To Protect Wealth During The Global Energy Collapse

There will be very few assets worth owning when the “Energy Collapse” begins in earnest.  Precious metals will be one of the few assets that will protect wealth as the U.S. and global oil industry disintegrates. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Doug and Joe Hagmann about the…

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PEMEX: Mexico’s State Oil Company On The Verge Of Bankruptcy & Collapse

Mexico’s state oil company, Pemex, is a perfect example of the ongoing collapse in the global oil industry.  Falling oil prices and declining production are putting severe pressure on the company’s financial balance sheet.  It has been four long years since Pemex posted a small profit.  However, since 2012, Pemex…

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CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: Example Of What Is Horribly Wrong With The U.S. Shale Oil Industry

According to Continental Resources website, it labels itself as America’s oil champion.  To be a champion, one is supposed to be winner.  Unfortunately for Continental, it’s taking a serious beating and is a perfect example of what is horribly wrong with the U.S. Shale Oil Industry. During the beginning of…

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