
WTIC OIL PRICE UPDATE DEC 21ST: Technicals Matter As Forecasted Retest Occurred Today

The oil price’s price action today traded as we forecasted in our Gold Member Metals & Market Update yesterday.  While forecasts don’t happen exactly all the time, the oil price fell right in line with the “Technical Analysis Script”… to a TEE.  Actually, it was quite amazing to see it…

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GREEN ENERGY DOUBLE-TALK BEGINS: First Major Oil Producer Announces Deadline to End Oil Extraction, But There’s A Catch

According to the Washington Post article published yesterday, Denmark was the first major oil-producing country to announce a deadline to end oil extraction.  While this may sound like a “Victory” for the Green Energy Movement, there’s a catch.  While Denmark announced that it would end…

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PRECIOUS METALS & MARKET UPDATE DEC 1st: Dollar Dump Pushes Gold & Silver Higher

The surge in the gold and silver prices today was the result of the large Dollar sell-off.  The U.S. Dollar has been trading off an important support level for the past four months, but finally broke below it today, causing a nice really in the precious metals.  Gold was up $40…

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