
The Coming Seneca Cliff Collapse & Exploding Silver Price

The world is facing a Seneca Cliff like collapse in the future.  Ancient Roman philosopher Lucius Seneca stated, “the increases are of sluggish growth, but the way to ruin in rapid.”  Unfortunately, due to the massive amount of debt the world, the economic and financial systems are becoming more unstable….

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THE SUBPRIME U.S. ECONOMY: Disintegrating Due To Subprime Auto, Housing, Bond & Energy Debt

The U.S. financial system continues to disintegrate even though most Americans hardly notice.  The system is being gutted from the inside out… much the same way a chronic disease weakens a patient even before any symptoms are felt.  However, we are already experiencing painful symptoms as U.S. economic indicators continue…

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Critical Silver Turning Point & U.S. Economic Crisis From Collapse Of Shale Energy

The economic and financial situation in the United States and world took a turn for the worse in 2016.  This was due to many underlying reasons, but the BREXIT vote to leave the European Union and plummeting oil prices were the two largest factors.  The BREXIT vote pushed the value…

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Why The Collapse Of The U.S. Economic & Financial System Has Accelerated

The collapse of the U.S. economic and financial system accelerated this year, thus pushing the country closer to a third-world status.  Most Americans are unaware of the dire consequences facing the nation, so they continue to believe business as usual will continue indefinitely. Unfortunately, lousy reporting by the Mainstream media…

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