
CENTRAL BANKS LOSING CONTROL: Are The Seeds Of A Global Depression Sprouting?

(By Chris Hamilton) If the “markets” are rigged and economies divorced from true market valuations, then what (if anything) could trigger a recoupling of reality to the record setting flashing numbers presently offered by the “market” facade?  My best guess is decelerating global credit and debt creation (and a rotation from private to government debt creation) is the harbinger progressively…

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THE SILVER MANIFESTO: Precious Metal Investors Guide To Surviving The Coming Debt Bomb

Investors worried about the highly leveraged fiat monetary system based on massive debt and derivatives need to read the new book, “The Silver Manifesto.”  This book was written by David Morgan and Chris Marchese of The primary purpose of writing The Silver Manifesto is to educate the reader as…

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China Sells U.S. Treasuries, Yields Collapse…. China Buys Gold, Prices Collapse…. “Markets” At Work??

(By Chris Hamilton) China, the largest buyer of US Treasury’s ceases buying Treasury’s…and US Treasury yields collapse?!? The Chinese (and others) buy record amounts of gold and create an imbalance of demand over available supply…and prices collapse?!?  These are clearly not the actions of a market attempting to find a…

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Short & Long Term Silver Price Moves, Gold Conspiracies & The Falling EROI

The U.S. economy has gotten considerably weaker since the investment banking collapse in 2008.  Nothing has improved, except the fundamentals for owning gold and silver.  However, there are many conspiracies that confuse people if you don’t look at the numbers. One such conspiracy is the one claiming the world has…

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