Precious Metals

Demand For Physical Precious Metals Surge Due To Fears About Disruptions In The Global Supply Chain

According to a precious metals dealer I spoke with, the world out on the street is that demand for gold and silver has recently surged due to investor concerns about a disruption to the Global Supply Chain.  We are already seeing a massive slowdown in China’s oil demand as official…

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ENERGY & MINING: SRSRocco Two New Interviews Including Round Table With Rick Rule-Larry Lepard & Bill Powers

This week I participated in two new interviews on ENERGY & MINING.  The first interview was with Bill Powers, who runs the Mining Stock Education website.  We discussed how Energy will impact the silver mining industry and silver price.  I included data about how much Energy it takes to mine…

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There’s Just Not That Much Silver Investment Insurance To Go Around

As the Fed and Central banks continue propping up the financial markets, many precious metals analysts advise owning gold over silver.  They say that gold is the key precious metal that will be used to reintroduce a “Sound Monetary System.”  However, I believe the real winner in terms of “future…

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