Precious Metals


As the world gets closer to major economic disruptions as it hits the ENERGY CLIFF, smart investors continue to buy physical gold bullion when supplies are still readily available.  However, this won’t always be the case when more investors realize the energy shortages and massive price spikes will destabilize the financial markets…

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METALS, MARKET & ENERGY UPDATE OCT 17th: Has Europe Natgas Inventories Already Peaked??

This is an important Metals, Market & Energy Update for SRSroccoReport Subscribers.  In this update, I show new data suggesting that Europe’s natural gas storage may have already peaked this year… which is very BAD NEWS.  Also, what do the technicals say about silver, gold, and the oil price…

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: The World Is Heading For An Energy Cliff

This is my newest interview with Tom at Palisades Radio on how the world is heading towards the Energy Cliff.  Tom does an excellent job of allowing me the opportunity to discuss these important energy issues that most tend to ignore.  For example, most investors have no idea how the…

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THE GLOBAL ENERGY CRISIS: How Oil Depletion Is Destroying The World Economy

The Global Energy Crisis is spreading.  We are now seeing the energy crisis hit Lebanon, Albania, and India.  With the energy crisis negatively impacting the global economy, few understand the reason why.  The main factor, hidden out of plain sight, is how oil depletion is destroying the world economy from within…

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World Silver Production Running Up Against Unsustainable Levels

Shhhhhh… don’t tell anyone, but world silver production is running up against unsustainable supply levels.  While we could see global silver production increase in the next few years, this is not something that will continue to grow for much longer.  The world is producing more than 100 times the annual…

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