Precious Metals

BREAKING NEWS: Global Silver Coin Sales Reach All-Time Record 2021

Investors bought a record amount of silver bullion coins as the Fed, and central banks continued to prop up the global economy and financial system with massive asset purchases in 2021.  And, this looks to continue into 2022 as the U.S. Mint Silver Eagle sales have already reached…

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TOM CLOUD UPDATE: Precious Metals & Alternative Hard Assets In 2022

Tom Cloud discusses how gold and silver will behave in 2022 with a weakness in the U.S. Dollar.  However, if we get a significant sell-off in the broader markets, precious metals investors may be experiencing higher premiums and longer wait times to buy retail bullion on any price dips.  Tom also discusses investing in another alternative hard asset…

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Energy Crisis Will Drive Gold To New Highs

The ongoing global energy crisis and coming Energy Cliff will push the gold price to new highs.  This is not a matter of if, but rather a matter of when.  And, if we look at the energy data, the “when” seems to be fast approaching.  Thus, precious metals investors need to understand…

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