Articles by SRSrocco

GLOBAL OIL ENERGY CLIFF EXPLAINED: Revealing The Weakest Link In The World Oil Supply

With the Broader Markets and Cryptos now in Freefall, this is just the beginning.  As the world heads over the Energy Cliff, most of the supposed Assets will turn more into Liabilities.  That is why it is crucial to own physical precious metals.  In this update, I provide my analysis of what I believe is The Weakest Link in the world oil supply that will likely be the first victim of the Energy Cliff…

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U.S. SHALE ENERGY CRISIS IS HERE: Why A Major Energy Crisis Is About To Hit The United States

While the fireworks haven’t gone off yet, the U.S. Shale Energy Crisis is coming.  Why?  Because the world is now highly dependent upon U.S. shale oil and gas supply that is likely to peak and decline shortly.  This will have a profoundly negative impact on the global economy while pushing energy prices even higher…

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MARKETS & ENERGY UPDATE JUNE 12th: Retiring Nuclear & Coal Is Pushing The U.S. & World Over The Energy Cliff

The insane policies of reducing nuclear and coal-fired power generation while adding more natural gas and green energy are pushing the world over the energy cliff.  I spoke about this with Palisades Radio, Doomberg, and the Market Sniper in our five-discussion on Twitter spaces this past Friday.  Tom at Palisades will be putting out a Youtube recording of this chat shortly…

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TWO BIG EVENTS: Palisades Nuclear Plant Permanent Shutdown & SRSrocco On Palisades Radio Twitter Spaces Chat On Friday

Yes… another U.S. Nuclear plant bit the dust last month as the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant in Michigan permanently shut down after more than 50 years of operation. Also, I will be a part of a Palisades Radio Twitter Spaces chat with Doomberg, and The Market Sniper on Friday at 1 pm EST, May 10th…

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IMPORTANT SILVER MARKET UPDATE JUNE 8th: The Calm Before The Storm As Institutions Seriously Under Exposed To Silver

There is a calm before the Silver Storm ahead as Institutions are seriously underexposed to silver.  Why?  Because Institutions believe that business as usual will continue, they are lightening up their exposure to silver when they should be doing quite the opposite.  In this newest update, I provide some fundamental analysis of the supply and demand aspects of the silver market…

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TOP 10 GOLD MINING COMPANIES STRATEGIC REPORT: Important Fundamental Analysis & Is One A Major Buying Opportunity??

What are the most profitable top gold mining companies, and what does the fundamental analysis show?  It is essential to understand the fundamental analysis of these gold mining stocks because I would never consider investing in two of them.  Also, there may be one undervalued gold company that may provide a highly speculative buying opportunity…

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