Articles by SRSrocco

USA & GLOBAL AUTO SALES SHOW TROUBLING SIGNS: Amazing Correlation Between Auto Sales & Oil Production

While U.S. and Global Auto Sales still haven’t recovered since issues stemming from the 2020 Pandemic Shutdown, another culprit is at work.  No, it’s not due to shortages of semiconductors, even though that has accounted for a small part of the weak sales rebound.  So, what is it…

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WITH U.S. CONVENTIONAL GAS DEPLETION… Make Way For Shale Gas That Declines 30% Per Year

With the depletion of U.S. conventional gas reserves, and just in the nick of time, we made it up with the Great Shale Gas Miracle.  And, indeed… it is quite amazing to have more than doubled U.S. domestic natgas production over the past 15 years.  How fast the years have gone by…

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NATGAS MARKET UPDATE OCT 20TH: What’s Next For Natgas & UNG ETF Trading

After the Natgas Breakout and now Breakdown, what’s next for the volatile gas price??  Nothing can destroy an investment more than the volatile Natgas Market.  In this update, I share my analysis of the natural gas inventories and why the UNG ETF is difficult to trade…

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TROUBLING SIGNS AT U.S. TREASURY: Total Public Debt Rising Much Faster Than Annual Deficits

Gosh… the more I dig into things, the bigger the problems I find.  Today, I will describe the U.S. Treasury BLACK HOLE.  I have to tell you, while I think I have seen it all, I haven’t… LOL.  Yes, I know I am a broken record, but when you see this information, it’s amazing that the U.S. Government is still open for business…

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Today, Newcrest came out with its preliminary report for Q3 2023, which wasn’t pretty.  With the higher energy prices during the third quarter, I expect the gold miners’ costs to increase… but how much?  Also, the EIA is forecasting a decline in U.S. Shale Oil production…

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