THE REAL CAUSE OF INFLATION: Dispelling The Myth Of Fed Money Printing

While the mainstream media and precious metals community continue to believe that the Fed’s Money Printing is the root cause of the massive inflation over the past twenty years, this is a myth.  In this Gold Member update, I provide the “REAL FACTOR” driving U.S. Monetary Inflation…

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TOM CLOUD ICECAP DIAMOND INVESTING UPDATE: Another Excellent Alternative Hard Asset

Tom Cloud discusses that if you are going to invest in Diamonds, you should invest in the highest-quality diamonds for the lowest prices.  Many investors have asked me for an alternative asset besides to acquire than precious metals.  For some individuals, diamonds are another excellent way to Protect Wealth…

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GLOBAL DIESEL FUEL SHORTAGE: Supply Chain Disruptions Will Increase If Diesel Shortage Spreads

If the European diesel shortage worsens, the world could see continued disruptions in the global supply chain.  Why?  Diesel is not only a heating fuel during the winter, but is also used in European automobiles and for truck, train, and ship transport globally.  Diesel prices in the United States hit ALL-TIME highs this week…

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NATGAS ENERGY CLIFF CRITICAL UPDATE: USA & Russia Natgas Exports Not Keeping Up With Massive Demand

This Critical Energy Update shows how the U.S. and Russia are not keeping up with the massive global demand for natural gas.  Last year was a WAKE-UP call for the world that we are heading closer to the ENERGY CLIFF.  Unfortunately, as the world adds more Green Energy, the faster we run over the Energy Cliff…..

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