AMERICANS FACING SKY-HIGH ENERGY PRICES: Electricity Prices Hit Another Record High In Sept 2022

If things couldn’t get any worse for struggling Americans this year, electricity prices reached a new all-time high in September.  Residential electricity prices surged 20% since the beginning of the year, and will likely continue to increase significantly in the coming years…

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THE CONVENTIONAL OIL PRODUCTION ENERGY CLIFF: Must See Charts The Oil Industry Doesn’t Want You To See

The world has no clue how close we are getting to reaching the ENERGY CLIFF.  While the current “Energy Crisis” is focused on Europe, this is just a mere symptom of much bigger problems stemming from the Conventional Oil Energy Cliff.  These are must-see charts the oil industry doesn’t want you to see…

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GLOBAL SILVER MINE SUPPLY IN TROUBLE IN 2022 AS DECLINES CONTINUE: Large Declines Coming From Peru, Australia & Chile

While the Silver Institute’s newest press release reports growing silver production this year, the data I am looking at, directly from the government websites, suggests quite the opposite.  I believe Global Silver production will decline this year, while world gold production will increase slightly…

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GOLD BREAKOUT OR BREAKDOWN MARKET UPDATE: It Will Depend On This Important Fundamental Factor Most Analysts Ignore

With the gold price touching nearly $1,800 a few days ago, precious metals investors are curious to know if this will be a continued Breakout or Breakdown.  If we look at this important fundamental, factor ignored by most precious metals analysts, it may provide us with a valuable clue…

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