THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT: We Won’t Have The Future Oil Supply Growth & That’s Bad News For The Economy

Yes, it’s true… this Time is Different. Because world economic growth is based upon oil production growth, we have “Run Out The Clock.” With the world running full speed toward the Energy Cliff, the global oil supply will get into serious trouble after 2025…

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BREAKING: Massive U.S. Gas Drilling Rig Cut Means Much Higher Prices Coming

With the U.S. Shale Gas Industry shutting down 10% of its Drilling Rigs this past week, what does that mean for U.S. natural gas production and the price?  Well, this will likely put a floor in the natural gas price a hell of a lot sooner than the market anticipated, leading to much higher prices in the months ahead…

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LOL… YOU GOT TO SEE THIS: The Situation In The U.S. Shale Oil Industry Is Much Worse Than Market Realizes

How to bring down rising energy costs?  Well, according to Trump during his CNN Town Hall, it’s “DRILL BABY, DRILL.”  Unfortunately, this won’t help Americans because the situation in the U.S. Shale Industry is much worse than the market realizes…

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