CONVENTIONAL CRUDE OIL PEAK IS BEHIND US: Running Out Of The Good Stuff Is Bad News For The Economy

With the peak of conventional crude oil behind us, the days of Global Economic Growth are coming to an end.  However, Economists and the Financial Media continue to be clueless.  Thus, this also means most people are invested in the wrong assets, or liabilities masquerading as assets…

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METALS & ENERGY UPDATE JUNE 19th: What’s Going On With The Precious Metals & Get Prepared For Energy Cost Push Inflation

While the Federal Reserve thinks it has the upper hand on inflation… think again.  Unfortunately, for the Federal Reserve, it will be an impossible task to tame the future “Energy Cost Push Inflation.”  Why, the Energy Cliff returns to BITE HARD in the next several quarters…

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THE GREEN RENEWABLE ENERGY CANARD: China Solar Power Manufacturing Dominance… Cheap Coal Power & Slave Labor

The entire Green Energy Movement is based upon a lie.  Without cheap China coal power and slave labor wages, there is no GREEN ENERGY… there lies the rub.  Unfortunately, the West doesn’t want you to know that because it would destroy the “Green Energy Illusion.” Let’s first look at the…

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SILVER BULLION TV INTERVIEW: SRSrocco On The Energy Cliff & Precious Metals

Last week I chatted with Patrick of Silver Bullion TV about the Energy Cliff and precious metals.  Unfortunately, most people still don’t understand the profoundly negative implications of the Energy Cliff as the market continues to believe in ever-expanding economic growth & the Business Cycle…

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