2023 TOP GOLD MINERS COST OVER $1,700: Highest Gold Production Costs Ever

I was simply “Stunned” to find out that the top Gold Miners’ total cost of production is now over $1,700.  It’s no wonder the gold mining stocks have underperformed even with much higher gold prices.  Unfortunately, I believe costs will only increase in the future…

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Every once in a while, I see something that really HITS the NAIL on the HEAD.  And, to do it in three minutes and be hilarious, is truly amazing.  If you want to know what is happening in the Shale Oil Industry, you must watch this short video on the BAKKEN… “We are Kaput.”

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SILVER MINERS Q2 2023 UPDATE: Costs Hit New All-Time Highs

The world’s largest primary silver miners saw their costs hit new All-Time Highs in Q2 2023.   Unfortunately, even if we get some deflationary forces to lower costs in the short term, the Silver Miners will likely experience much higher energy & material costs in the years ahead…

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