FED REPO INJECTIONS HIT RECORD LEVEL: Global Contagion Negatively Impacting Financial Markets

The Fed injected a record amount of liquidity this morning via its Repo Market Operation to supply dealers in the interbank market.  While investors may be reassured by the huge 1293 point rally on the Dow yesterday, the global contagion and its impact are just beginning.  Don’t be surprised to…

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Demand For Physical Precious Metals Surge Due To Fears About Disruptions In The Global Supply Chain

According to a precious metals dealer I spoke with, the world out on the street is that demand for gold and silver has recently surged due to investor concerns about a disruption to the Global Supply Chain.  We are already seeing a massive slowdown in China’s oil demand as official…

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RED WARNING LIGHT: The World Is Rapidly Burning Through Its Conventional Oil Reserves

While Americans continue to enjoy the convenience provided by the just-in-time inventory supply-chain Leech and Spend Suburban Economy, the rate we are consuming the high-quality conventional oil reserves should scare the hell out of people.  But, it doesn’t.  Why?  Because, virtually no one sees it or has a clue.  Unfortunately,…

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