The world seems to be placing its energy future on the so-called “Renewables,” with Geothermal as one of the GREEN ENERGY solutions.  Unfortunately, geothermal energy production is totally irrelevant in the face of the dire energy consequences coming our way.  But, that doesn’t keep the industry from bragging about…

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PRECIOUS METALS & MARKET UPDATE: Fed’s Digital Dollar Policy Impact On Gold & Silver

While the precious metals enjoyed a nice rally on Friday, we may still see lower prices before setting up for the next leg higher in 2021.  It all depends on the U.S. Dollar Index.  Even though the U.S. Dollar has fallen lower, there still may be a bounce higher before…

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TOM CLOUD UPDATE: Some 401K’s Now Considering To Include Physical Gold Investment??

In Tom Cloud’s newest update, he starts with breaking news that some 401K’s are now considering physical gold as part of the investment portfolio.  Most 401K’s do not allow investors to include physical gold as part of their portfolio, but this could be changing soon.  With just 1% of Americans…

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U.S. ECONOMY DISINTEGRATION CONTINUES: Solution… Fed Digital Dollars Coming Your Way

While Americans are back to doing one of the favorite pastimes, by driving up and down the U.S. Interstate Highways, the economy’s fundamentals continue to disintegrate.  But, you wouldn’t know it if you turned on CNBC or Fox Business, applauding how the broader markets are now very close to their all-time…

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