TROUBLE IN PERU: Recovery In Silver Mine Production Stalls As Supply Declines Once Again

The hope that Peru’s silver mining industry would fully recover by the end of 2020 was stalled as production declined considerably during the first month of the new year.  This was quite a surprise as the country’s silver production reached a high in December since the pandemic shutdowns last…

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It’s one thing for Bitcoin or Tech stocks to go up in parabolic fashion, but a Blue-Chip stock??  Yes, indeed… you know it’s the Wild, Wild West in Wall Street when we see old fashion blue-chip stocks behaving like Tesla.  Actually, I was quite stunned to see just how high this blue-chip stock surged…

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TRADE UPDATE: ExxonMobil Short Trade & Oil Price Head In Our Direction

With the large correction in the oil price today, we are solidly in the money with our ExxonMobil Short Trade.  While I had a pretty good idea that the oil price would begin a correction lower, I didn’t expect it to fall more than 7% in one day.  But, that’s the way the market can react…

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Massive U.S. Government Money Printing Motivated Investors To Buy A Record Gold & Silver Eagles

During the first three months of the year, Gold and Silver Eagle sales reached new highs as investors, concerned about the U.S. Government’s massive stimulus and debt increases, purchased record numbers of the official coins.  Already, sales of Silver Eagles surpassed last year’s figures for the same period, and there…

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