NEWMONT VS. BARRICK: Why Newmont’s Share Price Greatly Outperformed Barrick Since Q4 2020

Many precious metals investors are puzzled as to why Newmont’s share price outperformed Barrick’s over the past half-year.  Both Newmont and Barrick enjoyed record profits as the gold price reached new highs last year and continue to do so in 2021.  So, why has Newmont’s share performance increased by 27% more…

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TRIGGER ALERT: We Are Now Short Both Bitcoin and Ethereum (VIDEO UPDATE)

After shorting Bitcoin, we have also decided to go short Ethereum. Our order got filled and we are already looking at some healthy profits. In this video update we revisit some of the trades we’ve announced in last week’s market commentary. Today, we dive deeper into the logic of our trading system and why we believe that our trades will play out very favorably in the near future.

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YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE THIS: New York Shuts Down Indian Point Nuclear Plant & Replaces Power With??

On May 1st, New York’s Indian Point Nuclear Plant stopped producing electricity for good.  While many environmentalists are happy with the closure of Indian Point, what is being used now to make up for lost power, is completely HILARIOUS.  If you think New York has brought on either wind or solar power to…

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