High-Tech Global Semiconductor Supply Chain Economy Heading Towards Collapse PART 2

How does our modern High-Tech Global Economy compared to the Late Bronze Age and its collapse?  In PART 2 of this video presentation, I provide 35 slides on how the Global High-Tech Semiconductor Economy is in serious trouble as the world heads over the coming ENERGY CLIFF.  While most people believe the technology…

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LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE: Amazing Parallels To The Coming Collapse Of The High-Tech Global Economy

This is a MUST WATCH presentation on the Late Bronze Age Collapse and its parallel to the coming collapse of our High-Tech Global Economy (now available for Silver Members).  It’s quite amazing how advanced the different empires were doing the Late Bronze Age and how quickly they collapsed…

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TRADE UPDATE #3: Fortuna Nearly Hit Our First Target Level, Has Been Consolidating… What Next?

After Fortuna Silver nearly reached our First Target area, it has been consolidating lower over the past two days… so what’s next?   Well, that will depend upon what the silver price does next week.  Also, Fortuna Silver has been Outperforming the other silver miners since it bottomed and will likely…

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