FOUR NEVER-BEFORE SEEN GOLD PRODUCTION CHARTS: Including Interesting Dynamics That Impacted 1970s Inflationary Gold Prices

In this article, I provide four never-before-seen gold production charts.  One of these charts shows part of the reason why the price of gold surged during the inflationary 1970s. While oil price inflation had a significant impact on the gold price during the 1970s, another major factor was the large decline in gold production

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IT BEGINS… Global Production & Supply Chain Breakdown Continue Due To Peak Everything

As I have warned for several years, we are now witnessing this take place in several parts of the world, especially in Europe.  Due to Europe’s drive to NET ZERO, Green Energy is causing massive volatility in the price of energy it is currently consuming.  Unfortunately, it seems that the situation in Europe is just going…

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MARKET & METALS UPDATE SEP 12th: Bubbles, Zombie Companies, Metal Consolidation & CPI Data Tuesday

This week’s Market & Metals Update describes the Bubble-Zombie Markets and the continued precious metals consolidation.  With the CPI Inflation Index data coming out on Tuesday, this week could impact both the market and metals prices.  However, even though the markets could continue higher…

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100% GREEN ENERGY USA: Massive Amount Of Global Metals Consumption

The U.S. will never transition to 100% Green Energy because that would consume orders of magnitude more than the global production of several strategic metals.  However, this won’t stop the U.S. Government from pushing forward its 100% Green Energy policy.  I wanted to provide the Gold Members with a…

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