Precious Metals

IMPORTANT MID-WEEK UPDATE JUNE 30th: Falling Energy Inflation In The USA While The Opposite Takes Place In Europe & Asia

With the crazy market behavior today, I thought it would be a good idea to provide a quick update.  As noted by the mainstream press, the stock markets are experiencing the worst first half since 1962… LOL, and it’s only going to get worse.  Also, while we are seeing disinflation of energy in the U.S., the opposite is taking place in Europe and Asia…

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SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: On Gold & Silver Manipulation

With the continued focus on precious metals manipulation, I decided it was a good idea to provide my CONNECT THE DOT analysis on this subject matter.  While most analysts and investors in the precious metals community focus a lot of their efforts on the “COMEX” and “Manipulation,” I believe we have much bigger problems ahead that deserve our attention…

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SRSROCCOREPORT UPDATE FOR SUBSCRIBERS: Explaining Shale Oil Decline Rate & My Upcoming Twitter Chat Why CPM Group Analysis Is Faulty

In this update, I wanted to share my screen with subscribers to explain the Shale Oil Decline Rate & my upcoming Twitter Spaces chat about the CPM Group and why its analysis is faulty.  Interestingly, Tom from Palisades Radio reached out to Jeff Christian for an invite, but he declined (LOL).  I also invited Philip Newman of Metals Focus, who does the World Silver Surveys…

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IMPORTANT SILVER MARKET UPDATE JUNE 8th: The Calm Before The Storm As Institutions Seriously Under Exposed To Silver

There is a calm before the Silver Storm ahead as Institutions are seriously underexposed to silver.  Why?  Because Institutions believe that business as usual will continue, they are lightening up their exposure to silver when they should be doing quite the opposite.  In this newest update, I provide some fundamental analysis of the supply and demand aspects of the silver market…

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