
METALS & MARKET UPDATE JULY 10th: Another U.S. Natural Gas Plant Explosion This Weekend & What Is Happening With The Precious Metals

This weekend, another U.S. Natural Gas Plant explosion took place to add to the list in just a few short months.  Last month, the large Freeport LNG Plant suffered a blast and will be out of service for another three months.  This is terrible news for Europe.  Also, what is taking place in the precious metals prices…

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SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT: On Gold & Silver Manipulation

With the continued focus on precious metals manipulation, I decided it was a good idea to provide my CONNECT THE DOT analysis on this subject matter.  While most analysts and investors in the precious metals community focus a lot of their efforts on the “COMEX” and “Manipulation,” I believe we have much bigger problems ahead that deserve our attention…

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Saylor’s Losses Are Now Approaching $1 Billion

Michael Saylor was $4 billion in the money last year as bitcoin approached $70,000. Seven months later, he is losing almost $1 billion. When bitcoin was topping, he was persuading everyone how bitcoin was the best investment ever. Interestingly, not a peep on any of this from him now. As the market makes new lows daily, it will be interesting to see when comes the margin call. My prediction: bitcoin’s low will be in the day Saylor is forced to sell.

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TWO BIG EVENTS: Palisades Nuclear Plant Permanent Shutdown & SRSrocco On Palisades Radio Twitter Spaces Chat On Friday

Yes… another U.S. Nuclear plant bit the dust last month as the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant in Michigan permanently shut down after more than 50 years of operation. Also, I will be a part of a Palisades Radio Twitter Spaces chat with Doomberg, and The Market Sniper on Friday at 1 pm EST, May 10th…

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Western Elite Meet in Davos, Eastern Elite Meet in Bishkek

While the Western media outlets are full of the Western elite meeting in Davos discussing the latest in technocracy, there was another meeting held at the same time in the East. Specifically, the Eastern elite has met in Bishkek in the Kyrgyz Republic to discuss the end of globalization and a new beginning of something that will be very different than what we in the West are used to.

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE MAY 22nd: Important Silver Charts & Dozens Of Countries At Risk Of Collapse

With dozens of countries facing collapse due to the ongoing economic contagion, demand for precious metals will likely surge in the future.  This is especially true for silver due to its relative scarcity and low price.  In this update, I show which countries are facing collapse and why the downside of silver is limited while the upside will be explosive…

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