
METALS & ENERGY UPDATE OCT 9TH: The Energy & Dollar Wrecking Ball Is The Reason To Own Precious Metals

With the escalation of the Ukraine War after the Russian-Crimea Bridge was attacked, all bets are off for low oil prices.  Add to this the Saudi-OPEC oil cut, and we have a recipe for disaster in the oil markets.  Also, as the U.S. Dollar heads higher along with the oil price, countries are being destroyed left and right…

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BREAKING NEWS MARKET UPDATE SEPT 11th: Something Is About To Break In Silver Market As European Energy Crisis Worsens

Not only has Smart Money become Net Long in Silver, they are also long in other metals.  So, why does there continue to be a massive short position against the Silver SLV ETF?  Good question.  There seems to be an enormous, record Hedge bet on the market for a Crash; thus, investors think the silver price will continue to fall.  But will it…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE SEPT 4th: Major Energy Price Riots Just Beginning & Why The Silver Market Is Setting Up For A Big Reversal

If the world believes the current Energy Crisis is just a short-term cyclical problem, wait until we begin to head over the ENERGY CLIFF.  The major riots we are now seeing in response to surging energy and food prices, are just the beginning.  Also, there are some fascinating developments happening in the Silver Market…

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SILVERDOCTORS INTERVIEW: Gold & Silver Manipulation “Doesn’t Matter Anymore, It Is A Nothingburger”

The number one question that concerns most precious metals investors is, “Are gold and silver being manipulated?”  I discussed my analysis on metals manipulation with Paul at SilverDoctors.  While I posted my own youtube video on this subject matter, I added more detail on why I believe it is now a waste of time to be concerned about precious metals manipulation…

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METALS & MARKET UPDATE JULY 10th: Another U.S. Natural Gas Plant Explosion This Weekend & What Is Happening With The Precious Metals

This weekend, another U.S. Natural Gas Plant explosion took place to add to the list in just a few short months.  Last month, the large Freeport LNG Plant suffered a blast and will be out of service for another three months.  This is terrible news for Europe.  Also, what is taking place in the precious metals prices…

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