
CHART OF THE WEEK: Mexico & Peru Silver Production Big Declines Again In May

According to the data released by Mexico and Peru’s governmental mining data, domestic silver production continued to be depressed in May.  Interestingly, the production data just released from Mexico’s INEGI shows that the country’s silver production in May was even less than what they reported for April. I first wrote…

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GREAT WEEK FOR SILVER & THE MINERS: Which Company Had The Best Stock Performance?

Get ready.  The world is just beginning to learn about silver.  With so very little physical bullion silver stocks in the world, when investors finally get “Precious Metals Religion,” who knows how crazy the price can go.  This isn’t hype… just plain old fashion common sense, logic, and fundamentals. Silver…

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Peru’s 2020 Silver Production Down By One-Third Due To Mine Lock-downs

The world’s second-largest silver producer saw its mine supply fall by one-third due to lockdowns stemming from the global contagion.  When the Peru Ministry of Mines released its metals production figures last month for April, the country’s domestic silver mine supply fell by a stunning 74%. Then on July 3rd,…

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