
PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Why Is The SLV Bleeding Silver & The Coming Energy Cliff

Why does JP Morgan’s SLV ETF continue to bleed silver??  I discuss this and many other topics with Tom at Palisades Radio.  Also, will the continued “Shortsqueeze campaign” bring in more investors and higher prices??  It could.  However, even if it doesn’t the mid to long-term fundamentals for silver…

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BREAKING NEWS: Top Silver Mining Industry Average Yield Falls To The Lowest Level Ever

With the results finally out, the top Silver Mining Industry’s average yield fell to the lowest level ever.  While the pandemic shutdowns reduced overall silver production significantly, it didn’t impact the ore grades all that much.  Since 2005, the top seven silver mining companies and mines saw their average yield…

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Upcoming GOLD AND SILVER Market Opportunities

In today’s video update we focus on our expected gold and silver price movements ahead. We believe that we will see massive opportunities occur in the precious metals markets in the foreseeable future. We are also looking at the mining companies that might provide us with leverage in the future.

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GEOPOLITICS & EMPIRE INTERVIEW: The Energy Cliff, Green Energy Myth, Gold, Crypto, & Mad Max Future

With the world heading into deeper troubles in 2021, I sat down with chatted with the folks at Geopolitics & Empire.  In the interview, we discussed the impact of the coming ENERGY CLIFF on the global economy and markets.  We also talked about how this would impact Green Energy, gold, and the cryptos…

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How Much Have The Top Two Silver Producing Countries Mine Supply Fallen So Far This Year?

While the top two silver mining countries in the world have ramped up production since the pandemic lockdowns, Peru is still struggling to get to full capacity.  Also, Mexico’s silver production in September is still less than it was last year.  Because Mexico and Peru account for nearly 40% of…

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PRECIOUS METALS PRICE MANIPULATION: How Much Is It Impacting The Gold & Silver Miners Versus Leading Companies?

If precious metals price manipulation is taking place, how much is it impacting the gold and silver miners versus the top tech and blue-chip companies?  According to many analysts in the precious metals community, the supposed manipulation of the gold and silver prices’ has gone on WAY TOO LONG…

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