
MASSIVE TECH MARKET BEARISH WEDGE POPPING?? Nasdaq Selloff Taking Down Bitcoin With It Causing Havoc In Bitcoin Mining Industry

With the NASDAQ finally crashing below its Massive Bearish Wedge, is more to come?  If so, Bitcoin and the Bitcoin Mining Industry are in serious trouble.  Why?  The Gold and Silver miners still enjoy large profitable margins while the Bitcoin Miners lost money when Bitcoin was over $100K…

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BIG GAME CHANGER IN THE SILVER MARKET: Must See Charts Why Silver Will Outperform Gold

Even though investors haven’t realized it yet, a BIG GAME CHANGER is taking place in the silver market.  Now, this is something happening overnight, but it is more of a process.  When we compare this sector to the gold and silver industry, we can see how much it impacts the market forces…

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BITCOIN CRASH & FALLING EROI OF BITCOIN MINING: Is The Bitcoin Market Being Propped Up By A Few Buyers?

This is a MUST-SEE Video for precious metals investors who are now experiencing some of the worst sentiment in years.  I was on the phone this week talking to people in the industry, and the word out there is many metals investors are wondering if they bought the right asset…

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The U.S. Treasury just released its November statement, and what a budget deficit disaster.  In the first two months of the U.S. Fiscal year, the U.S. Treasury racked up a record $624 billion in deficits.  Remember, deficits become money printing, which will turn into future price inflation…

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