
GOLDCORE TV INTERVIEW: The Real Causes Of The Global Energy Crisis

The world is totally unprepared for the implications of the Energy Cliff on the global economy, financial system, and most asset values.  I spoke with Dave at Goldcore TV about the “Real Causes” of the global energy crisis.  While many believe this energy crisis is “temporary,” it’s not… it’s permanent…

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GOLDSEEK RADIO SRSROCCO REPORT INTERVIEW: Silver Being Sold For Lower Than The Production Cost

With the silver market price now lower than most primary silver miners’ production costs, this low level may not last long.  This is especially true when we factor in the surging silver lease rates, suggesting a real tightness and shortage of metal for traders in the market…

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SILVERDOCTORS INTERVIEW: Gold & Silver Manipulation “Doesn’t Matter Anymore, It Is A Nothingburger”

The number one question that concerns most precious metals investors is, “Are gold and silver being manipulated?”  I discussed my analysis on metals manipulation with Paul at SilverDoctors.  While I posted my own youtube video on this subject matter, I added more detail on why I believe it is now a waste of time to be concerned about precious metals manipulation…

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WallStreetSilver & SRSrocco Report Interview: CPM Group Misleads About Falling Silver Ore Grades & Reserve Depletion?

I talked with Jim and Ivan at WallStreetSilver on CPM Group’s misleading statements on the primary silver mining industry’s falling ore grades and resource depletion. It seems that the CPM Group believes the Silver Miners voluntarily decided to go to lower ore grades…

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I was fortunate to discuss the implications of the coming Energy Cliff with Dave at GoldCore TV last week.  Due to Europe being the most dependent on natural gas imports, they have been hit the hardest.  We can see this in the huge increase in the price of Dutch TTF natural gas…

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SRSRocco Report Interview With Geopolitics & Empire

It’s been about a year since I was interviewed by Geopolitics & Empire, so we decided to do an update on the current energy crisis and what troubles lie ahead for the Global High-Tech Economy.  It seems that most people believe this current energy crisis is “TRANSITORY.”  It’s not…

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