Limits of Industrial Civilization: How Our Thirst for Energy Devours the Planet (VIDEO)

In this video update Steve and I cover a lot of ground. We discuss the limits of growth in which our industrial civilization finds itself. And we show footage of the impact our world running on massive machines has on the environment. The conclusions we draw from all this might be eye-opening to some of our followers.

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IMPORTANT UPDATE: Global Economy Being Destroyed By Falling EROI In Many Sectors

In this video update, I provide examples of how the Falling EROI is negatively impacting several sectors in the global economy.  The Falling Energy Returned On Investment (EROI) is the number one equation that allows all living systems the ability to live or die.  When the EROI falls to a certain level, then the collapse…

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Why Is The SLV Bleeding Silver & The Coming Energy Cliff

Why does JP Morgan’s SLV ETF continue to bleed silver??  I discuss this and many other topics with Tom at Palisades Radio.  Also, will the continued “Shortsqueeze campaign” bring in more investors and higher prices??  It could.  However, even if it doesn’t the mid to long-term fundamentals for silver…

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GEOPOLITICS & EMPIRE INTERVIEW: The Energy Cliff, Green Energy Myth, Gold, Crypto, & Mad Max Future

With the world heading into deeper troubles in 2021, I sat down with chatted with the folks at Geopolitics & Empire.  In the interview, we discussed the impact of the coming ENERGY CLIFF on the global economy and markets.  We also talked about how this would impact Green Energy, gold, and the cryptos…

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Silver Eagle Sales Surge To Highest Level In Nine Months & SRSrocco Report Interview With Palisades Radio

Investor demand for precious metals remains strong as the U.S. Mint Silver Eagle sales in November were the highest in nine months.  Not only were Silver Eagle sales the highest since March, when the pandemic caused investors to wipe-out inventories, but Gold Eagle sales also jumped by another…

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IMPORTANT VIDEO: Energy Cliff & Why The U.S. & World Are Heading Into A Depression That Never Ends

If there is one video you should watch, this would be one of the most important.  The world has no idea of the coming ENERGY CLIFF and leaders and citizens push for more high-technology and supposed renewable energy to solve our energy predicament.  Unfortunately, “GREEN ENERGY” as they…

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