TOP POSTS & REPORTS: For New Subscribers & Existing Members

If you are New to the SRSrocco Report or an Existing Member and would like to check out our Top Important Posts over the past few years, this is the place to do it.  These archived Posts and Reports will help new subscribers understand our fundamental analysis of why energy and precious metals are so important…

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GOLDCORE TV INTERVIEW: The Real Causes Of The Global Energy Crisis

The world is totally unprepared for the implications of the Energy Cliff on the global economy, financial system, and most asset values.  I spoke with Dave at Goldcore TV about the “Real Causes” of the global energy crisis.  While many believe this energy crisis is “temporary,” it’s not… it’s permanent…

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THE MAJOR BATTLE IN THE SILVER MARKET HAS BEGUN: Control Of Silver Metal Will Lead To Much Higher Prices

I believe we are in the beginning stages of a Major Battle in the Silver Market.  As Institutions, Hedge Funds, the Rich, and Retail Investors move into silver to protect wealth, the control over getting access to metal will lead to much higher prices. 

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PALISADES RADIO INTERVIEW: Energy Crisis Will Drive Gold To New Highs

The ongoing global energy crisis and coming Energy Cliff will push the gold price to new highs.  This is not a matter of if, but rather a matter of when.  And, if we look at the energy data, the “when” seems to be fast approaching.  Thus, precious metals investors need to understand…

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I was fortunate to discuss the implications of the coming Energy Cliff with Dave at GoldCore TV last week.  Due to Europe being the most dependent on natural gas imports, they have been hit the hardest.  We can see this in the huge increase in the price of Dutch TTF natural gas…

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MUST WATCH: Big Trigger For The New Gold & Silver Bull Market

This is a MUST WATCH video presentation on the coming BIG TRIGGER for the new bull market in gold and silver.  Unfortunately, most people are not prepared for this because they are invested in a market and assets that really… have no future.  There are over 30 graphs and charts in this presentation…

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