MORE NAILS FOR THE U.S. & GLOBAL ENERGY CLIFF COFFIN: Big Trouble In Saudi Arabia & Replying To Silver Symposium Comments

With more information coming out and confirming our suspensions, the Nails continue to be added to the U.S. & the Global Oil Industry Coffin.  Using newly updated data from a retired petroleum engineer from Total France, the situation does not look good for the USA and the world…

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SILVER SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: The Energy Cliff & Move From Building Wealth To Protecting Wealth

Here is my Silver Symposium presentation for SRSrocco Report members.  Interestingly, while I presented this information to the attendees, another LIGHT-BULB went off in my head.  It is very IMPORTANT that you all watch this presentation because I also believe it will CONNECT MORE DOTS…

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If you want to understand the foundation and implications of the ENERGY CLIFF, this interview with Jesse Day at Commodity Culture helps Connect-The-Dots.  Unfortunately, most individuals and investors still do not understand how much the world will change in a relatively short period of time…

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Wall-Street For Mainstreet SRSrocco Report Interview: More Shorter Term Boom & Bust Cycles

As the world hits the ENERGY CLIFF, the Boom & Bust Cycles will become even more extreme and shorter in duration.  I sat down with Jason at Wall Street For Mainstreet and discussed what is taking place in energy, mining, the economy, and precious metals…

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BIX WEIR & SRSROCCO REPORT DEBATE: Grand Canyon Gold, Free Markets & The Energy Cliff

The much-anticipated debate is now posted, and it’s up to each individual as to what they believe is the more important message.  The discussion starts discussing the supposed billions of Grand Canyon Gold and then moves to market manipulation and why energy is so vital, even though most don’t consider energy…

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