
PRECIOUS METALS INVESTOR: Must See Important Charts & Data

The U.S. and world economies are in serious trouble.  Unfortunately, the majority of analysts continue to put out increasingly worthless forecasts as they fail to understand the true nature of the problem… or rather, the predicament we are facing. We must remember, problems have solutions while a predicament may be…

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The best reason to own silver is based upon underlying market fundamentals.  However, most of the markets today aren’t being valued by fundamentals, but rather on Fed and Central Bank interventions.  This has destroyed the ability for investors and markets to properly value most assets. I, as well as many…

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Brace For Higher Gold & Silver Prices As The Markets Crack

Investors better get prepared for higher gold and silver prices when the markets really start to crack.  We just experienced a huge inflow of mainstream investors into gold during the first two months of the year as the Dow Jones Index fell 2,000 points.  I really don’t think investors realize…

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SILVER INVESTMENT: Switching From A Commodity To High Quality Store Of Value

The biggest trade of a lifetime will occur when the value of silver switches from a mere commodity to a high-quality store of value.  Actually, it’s not really a trade of a lifetime, but rather a fundamental repricing of real assets verses supposed assets.  According to the Investment Company Institute,…

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Continued Increase In Silver Buying & Future Supply Disruptions

The U.S. Mint has been rationing the volume of silver eagles released to the public since July 2015. The Royal Canadian Mint has followed suit. The Australian Perth Mint, has increased their monthly production of silver coins more than two fold. This is the backdrop which is shining a light…

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