
YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE THIS: New York Shuts Down Indian Point Nuclear Plant & Replaces Power With??

On May 1st, New York’s Indian Point Nuclear Plant stopped producing electricity for good.  While many environmentalists are happy with the closure of Indian Point, what is being used now to make up for lost power, is completely HILARIOUS.  If you think New York has brought on either wind or solar power to…

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SILVER BULLION TV SRSROCCO INTERVIEW: Energy Cliff Modern High-Tech Global Economy vs. Late Bronze Age Collapse

The world faces the same fate that took place during the Late Bronze Age Collapse… 3,000 years ago.  During my interview with Patrick at Silver Bullion TV, I explained why the Global High-Tech Economy will be in serious trouble in the future.  While many investors believe all our problems are due…

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Limits of Industrial Civilization: How Our Thirst for Energy Devours the Planet (VIDEO)

In this video update Steve and I cover a lot of ground. We discuss the limits of growth in which our industrial civilization finds itself. And we show footage of the impact our world running on massive machines has on the environment. The conclusions we draw from all this might be eye-opening to some of our followers.

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EXXONMOBIL SHALE OIL PRODUCTION: Utilizing SuperFracks By Running Faster & Faster To Stay Alive

ExxonMobil is counting on using SuperFracks to increase its Permian shale oil production… or that’s the hope.  This is a terrible sign because these SuperFracks may add more production on the front end, but the decline rate at the backside is much more severe.  As ExxonMobil pumps in a record amount of fracking sand…

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ENERGY CLIFF COUNTDOWN: Indian Point Nuclear Plant Shut Down, Decommissioning Issues & Add More Fossil Fuels

After 58 years of operation on the Hudson Bay, the New York Indian Point Nuclear Plant shut down operations at its last unit yesterday.  While many are applauding the shutdown of Indian Point, there are big troubles brewing due to the closure of the nuclear facility.  One major issue that is not considered…

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