
MUST SEE GOLD CHART & MARKET UPDATE MAY 29th: Implications Of This Gold Chart The Market Doesn’t Want You To See

This is a “MUST SEE” Gold chart that the market doesn’t want you to see or understand the profound implications taking place.  Actually, I was quite surprised by the figures when I made the chart.  There now seems to be a growing Trend-Change between the EAST vs. WEST…

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BREAKING: Massive U.S. Gas Drilling Rig Cut Means Much Higher Prices Coming

With the U.S. Shale Gas Industry shutting down 10% of its Drilling Rigs this past week, what does that mean for U.S. natural gas production and the price?  Well, this will likely put a floor in the natural gas price a hell of a lot sooner than the market anticipated, leading to much higher prices in the months ahead…

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EXPLODING U.S. DEFICITS & COLLAPSING SPR OIL RESERVES: Strategic Petroleum Reserve Down Another 3 Million Barrels This Week

What a Deal… the United States continues to rack up deficits while it sells more of its precious Strategic Oil Reserve.  Why not?  This is the new world today where Debts are Assets, and Oil isn’t Green.  And don’t forget U.S. Energy Secretary wants the U.S. Military to be “All-Electric by 2030…

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METALS & ENERGY MARKET UPDATE MAY 6th: What’s Next For The Precious Metals & What Happened To Energy Inflation?

The precious metals were set to continue their BREAKOUT until the supposed Positive Jobs number came out on Friday… so what’s next?  Well, that depends on the next stage of the Banking Crisis.  Also, when are these Crazy Broader Markets finally going to start to Correct or Collapse Lower..

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