Precious Metals

The Massive Increase Of Central Bank Paper Assets Warns Of Financial Danger Ahead

By purchasing increasingly worthless paper assets, we can thank the central banks for propping up the global economy for the past decade.  Since the 2008 financial crisis, the top central bank’s have acquired $13 trillion worth of assets on their balance sheets.  While the central banks label these balance sheet…

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The Staggering Amount Of Gold & Silver Investment Since The 2008 Financial Crisis

While the demand for precious metals is certainly off its highs from prior years, investors would be quite surprised by the astonishing amount of physical gold and silver investment since the 2008 financial crisis.  Only by comparing the gold and silver investment demand to the prior decade, can we truly…

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The Hidden Decline Of The Gold Mining Industry That No One Is Talking About

There’s been a hidden decline in the global gold mining industry unrecognized by most investors.  It’s an insidious and mysterious decay that has plagued the industry for many years.  Unfortunately, investors can’t see what’s occuring in the gold mining industry because they are unable to notice the subtle changes taking…

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SILVER EAGLE SALES DOUBLED IN FEBRUARY: U.S. Mint Temporarily Suspends Authorized Purchases

Sales of Silver Eagles continue to be strong as demand for the official coins surged in February.  Moreover, as the Authorized purchases of Silver Eagles jumped by 775,000 oz this past Thursday, the U.S. Mint issued a temporary suspension of sales until inventories can be restocked.  This is a very…

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