Precious Metals

GOLD & SILVER SHORTAGES TO GET WORSE: Massive Debt & Money Printing Just Beginning

With the Federal Reserve announcing this morning that it will start buying Junk Bonds and Junk ETFs, along with its monthly asset purchases of U.S. Treasuries and Mortgage-Backed Securities, the demand for gold and silver bullion will only increase.  Thus, get ready for shortages of available precious metals products to…

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SILVER EAGLE UPDATE: Premiums Range Between $6.50-$10.00+ Based On The Dealer

Investors continue to purchase a record amount of Silver Eagles.  The premiums on Silver Eagles are ranging between $6.50-$10.00+, depending on the precious metals dealer.  With Silver Eagle premiums ranging at these levels, investors must make sure they find the best deals. Today, the silver price shot up over $15.00,…

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GLOBAL SILVER SUPPLY COLLAPSE ON ITS WAY: Mexico mining suspension to hit silver supply

Due to Mexico’s Ministry of Health issuing an Executive Order for the immediate suspension of non-essential activities until April 30th, the mining industry in the country has now come to an abrupt halt.  The mining industry was hoping for an exemption to the Executive Order, but was not granted one. …

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U.S. Silver Eagle Sales Surge Past 5 Million In March: Availability At Low Prices… CHECK HERE

With the U.S. Mint now temporarily suspended, it will become even more difficult to acquire Silver Eagles.  According to James Anderson at SD Bullion, the U.S. Mint shut down its West Point Facility due to an officer testing positive for the virus.  The U.S. Mint West Point facility will remain…

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